All course materials have been developed in conjunction with the
AHS Management and American Academy of Project Management.
The Academy School's team comprises world-class academics and researchers - ensuring we deliver the highest quality content.
In this course, you will learn the most important skills and most applicable tools for successful Project Management in a fast and efficient way. We offer a Short course Management Project program to assist professionals in supporting or advancing their careers and achieving success in a constantly changing business world.
The program is designed to cover a wide range of topics, including Agile methodologies, change management for projects, stakeholder and human resource management, and technical project management skills. All of our facilitators are supported by various universities, both domestic and foreign, so that participants can learn from the best. In addition, all of our course materials have been co-developed using the PMBOK guide, ensuring that participants receive the highest quality content.
The program is also designed to be practical and relevant, so that participants can use the skills learned in their work. This program is offered with a short duration of 3 months and holds degrees from institutions that are highly trusted both domestically and abroad.
Why Short Course Project Management?
In today's business world managing projects has become essential. This course provides a practical approach to what many consider a complex process: the management of projects.
Project Management is an essential aspect of conducting business. Project Management teaches you how to be responsible for projects and strategies within an organisation. You will learn how to plan, meet deadlines, manage budgets, and achieve the objectives set by the
The course is designed to simplify the management processes required to manage a project successfully from start to end. It defines Project Management in simple terms and provides you with all of the tools required to make your project a success. By studying the project life-cycle you will learn how to initiate, plan, execute and close projects properly.
Students who graduate with degrees in Project Management find job opportunities as project coordinators, project analysts, industrial production managers, administrative managers, and quality experts.
Weekly quizzes & assignments based on covered material
Practice exams throughout the program
Final mock exam simulating the real PMP exam format
Additional Support :
Q&A sessions throughout the training
Instructor office hours available for individual questions
Access to online resources (practice exams, case studies)
Important Notes :
Participants are expected to come prepared to actively participate in discussions and group activities.
Reading assignments from the PMBOK Guide will be provided each week.
Completing practice exams and studying outside of class time is highly recommended.